Monday 30 September 2013

Out of my Grasp

Drats! Once again those annoying dogs, Moo and Fizz, slip out of my grasp. So close but scuppered at the last moment. Never mind, I will be back for them. Their luck cannot last forever.
Evil, Anonymous Mastermind

Saturday 21 September 2013

Stop the Government of Dogs

If you want to stop General Importance, the head of the Government of Dogs, meet Moo, Fizz and I outside the Government of Dogs building on Monday 23rd at 5:00pm. General Importance should not be in charge and should be stopped so please help us.
Evil, Anonymous Mastermind
(See the Moo & Fizz blog for more information on this storyline)

Sunday 1 September 2013

Moo & Fizz

I will meet Moo and Fizz again very soon. It has taken time to rebuild my base, my databank of information and my number of guards but very soon we will encounter each other for the second time and believe me, this time they will not get away.
Evil, Anonymous Mastermind

Sunday 18 August 2013

2. Always stay prepared

Always stay prepared, you do not want to be caught out if you are trying to carry out an evil mission. You may need information, weapons or backup if you want to never lose out. It is also important to prepare a plan B if your original plan fails, as the most important thing is not to get caught. So remember, always stay prepared.
Evil, Anonymous Mastermind

Friday 16 August 2013

1. Staying ahead of the game

If you are ever going to become a successful criminal, you are going have to know how to stay ahead of the game. Whether you hack into secret files, hire people to find information or just keep your ear to the ground, somehow you must know everything and stay one step in front of everyone else, if you want to do well. So remember everyone, staying ahead of the game is key.
Evil, Anonymous Mastermind

Sunday 14 July 2013


It is impossible to get away from me, the Evil, Anonymous Mastermind. I am the master of all things bad, I always get what I want. So how come Moo and Fizz escaped? How come Moo and Fizz managed to get rid of some of my guards? How come Moo and Fizz destroyed my secret, underground base? How is it all possible? I must be losing my touch but as long as I live, I will seek bitter revenge on those two annoying dogs. I will strike again sometime soon and let me tell you, they will not get away this time.
Evil, Anonymous Mastermind

Saturday 29 June 2013

Cannot Fail

My Evil Plan cannot fail, Moo and Fizz are history!

Sunday 26 May 2013


I am the Evil, Anonymous Mastermind the most feared criminal and evil genius throughout the dog world. Welcome to my blog! If you want to become as good as me, let me tell you that you'll never succeed but I might just be able to show you how to improve a little and possibly (just possibly) become half as good as me. I will give you handy tips and information to help you become a slightly successful mastermind and criminal.
Evil, Anonymous Mastermind